
Changes Are Afoot

Posted on Tuesday, September 10, 2013

As I touched on in my last installment this last year has seen Squires Estates evolve in many ways.

There are 4 main components I would like to focus on.

1. New Branding. Our striking “SQ” roundel means that Squires Estates is at the forefront of people’s minds when looking for an Estate Agent in North London.

2. New Branch. Based within Hendon Central Tube station NW4 it has gone from strength to strength both on the Residential Sales and the Residential Lettings side of things. Ask yourself what vendor or landlord wouldn’t want quite literally thousands of people walking past their property’s details each week and on the other side of the coin what could be easier for any prospective buyer or tenant than stepping off the train and straight into our office?

3. New Website. As I mentioned last week we have just launched our brand new website and in the short time that it has been up and running we have already found the number of enquiries we have received directly through it increase substantially. What this means for vendors and landlords is that you can be safe in the knowledge that prospective buyers and tenants are looking at your property specifically.

4. Social Media. It’s everywhere and can’t be ignored so at the same time as launching our new website we have just created a new property search function within our Squires Estates’ Facebook page and this only adds to people’s ability to search for Squires Estates’ latest properties within Finchley, Hendon, Mill Hill and the surrounding areas. In addition to this our Twitter page keeps people up to date with the latest goings on at Squires Estates as well as the London property scene as a whole so be sure to follow us and not miss out on that nugget of information.

These are just a small number of the many improvements we have made but I’ll leave it there so as not to give too much away to the competition!

Lastly please remember that whilst the weather is bleak the North London property market is anything but so please get in touch if we can be of any assistance on any points.

Until next time…..

Edward, Director of Squires Estates