
How Much Do You Charge?

Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2013

Often I get calls to book in a valuation and the first thing I am asked is “what are your fees?”

When giving a response I am either met with the dialling tone or responses ranging from “that’s more than other Estate Agents are charging” to “oh you’re not as expensive as other Estate Agents”.

In my opinion fees should not be the deciding factor when choosing the Estate Agent you wish to sell your property let alone which one you want to value your property.

There are so many things to consider when appointing an Estate Agent and one should always arrange 3 or 4 valuations to ensure you are getting a good comparison. Anymore than that will only serve to confuse you.

It’s imperative that you ask the right questions on the valuation (that is of course if the Estate Agent isn’t forthcoming with the information) and these should include the following:

-    How and where do you advertise?
-    What are your opening hours?
-    How many offices will be marketing my property?
-    What are your fees? (I never said it wasn’t important!)
-    What differentiates you from the other agents in the area?
-    How many years experience do you and your colleagues have?
-    Is there a minimum period for your sole agency instructions?
-    What is the notice period?
-    Have you sold any similar properties in the area and for what prices?
-    How many buyers do you estimate you have for my property?
-    Do you accompany viewings?
-    When will you provide me with feedback?
-    Is there anything I could do to the property in order to maximise the price I achieve?
-    What should the asking price be?

Of course everyone wants to end up with the most amount of money in their pocket but if you instruct an inferior agent just because they are charging you less the whole process will probably take longer and more likely than not you will end up with less money at the end of it all.

Edward, Director of Squires Estates